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Be productive while you wait
on media rendering and copying

Advanced Upgrade
  • Davinci Resolve Studio
  • Render Job Notifications
  • Remote Monitoring (mobile)
  • Play Sound
  • Desktop Notify
  • Auto Open / Play Video
  • SuperBins Notifications
SwitchNotify Preview
SwitchNotify (PREVIEW)
Media rendering & file copy complete
Render Complete / Notify
Get notified when Resolve render jobs are complete.  When using SuperBins to copy/import files, get notified when the copy has been completed.
Sounds / Open Video / Desktop Notify
Choose from several different types of notifications.  Play a sound when the render job has completed.  SwitchNotify can also automatically open the video or the video file location.  
Remote Monitoring / Video Preview

Step away from your computer while waiting on render jobs to complete.  Use the remote render queue monitor to check on the status of your render jobs.  Preview the video directly from your mobile device.

SuperBins Import / Notify
SwitchNotify also works with SuperBIns.  Monitor and receive notification when SuperBins copy and import media has been completed.
Download SwitchNotify
Download SuperBins and see how quick and easy it can be to organize files, keep your project synced and create amazing content!
SwitchNotify User Guide
Learn how to use SuperBins with your video projects.  
SwitchNotify User Guide
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